Epic squee: everything behind cut

May 10, 2013 13:09


Alex Porn: watch at your own risk. Link to kickstarter campaign here


And then there is also this fanart that inspired that last gif.  GUH. THRIFTSHOP. I LOVE IT.

gealach_ros and rocknvaughn have both posted a new picture of Colin from stage door shots.  GUH.

Uh. Yeah. I seem to have no words right?

In other news, I have decided to what to do about DD2's birthday, bought a fridge!!!!, and made bread.  Oh, and read to DD1's class.  Now I must clean up my kitchen. Maybe I'll podfic after that.

Did I miss anything?


ETA: late breaking news, Alex implores people to support kickstarter projects on Hypable

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/721544.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

alexander vlahos, gif, merlin, colin morgan, tumblr, recs, ta da list

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