21 first lines meme

Apr 14, 2013 15:42

Taking a break from sewing, so here, have lines from the last 21 fics I've posted on AO3.  All of these individual lines are SFW, but some of them do link to NC17 stories. Most of them are Merlin, although 1 is Once Upon a Time and 3 are Privates fics.

Arthur would have gone to the ends of the earth for his father, but according to Merlin, they only need to find an old sorcerer who, conveniently, lives a short ride from Camelot.

Mordred was in between, “things,” having just graduated.

Mist hovered over the ground, little pillows covering uneven terrain.

The magic courses through his body, burning in his veins like fire ravaging a dry field.

“Merlin. …. Merlin, wake up, honey.”

Arthur shivered, his wet clothing hanging uncomfortably.

Private White-Bowne stands in front of the window, gnawing on the remains of his shredded cuticles.

Tiny grey drops drizzled from the sky.

Purple clouds billowed, filling the room with a heady scent.

Mordred stood in the corridor, waiting for the sound of familiar footsteps, the soft leather soles that would give him away, make his tread unique

A door opened; light pierced his eyes.

Images of Alice tumble through his mind, cartwheeling wildly.

“Thank you.

From: Mordred
K: what is the name of the vet your school chum Freya is dating? You said he’s top notch, right? Wilson is desperately ill. Need professional help now


“Ok, old man, you’ve been pacing back and forth, watching me all week. What is it?”

Keeping his eyes fixed on the floor, Mordred knelt in front of his king who was pacing the stone floor in front of him.

“Hold that door!”

The fire had burned down to a small crackling flame.

Merlin looked at the man crumpled on the ground at his feet

Merlin ducked through the narrow opening, entering a large cavern.

Also, have this quote from
cerseiscrown :

one of my favorite things about fandom is that the exchange of intellectual and creative property is a legitimate form of gift giving. like ‘i’m so enchanted by you, i love you, let me tell you a story’
I think that's one of the reasons I like collabs so much. It's fandom interaction at an even deeper, more intense level.


This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/711601.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

thinky thoughts, fandom, meme, writing, love

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