One last post for the day

Apr 05, 2013 19:58

Ok, this will be for cryingbaby when the tallis that I'm making is all done since this peacock is the prototype for the one I'm putting on the tallis. For this background, I think it needs something else (and certainly a better photographer).  Discuss amongst yourselves. I'll be back later. (By the way, the woman I gave the turtle to offered me money and I didn't say no:))

In other news, I'm seriously thinking the writing schedule for PL is too much and I might pull out. I'm going to write as I wish for this month and see how it goes.  I will write this story, but maybe not on the PL timeline. There is a lot of other stuff I want to do and I do not like being stretched thin.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

paperlegends, quilting

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