Emergency post: New Alexander Vlahos pictures

Mar 20, 2013 18:00

Ok, last post for today. If I feel like posting anything else, or if anything else comes up, I'm sticking it in this post.

convertingcriminals posted. An Alex Vlahos centric set from the MCM Comic Con, because I asked. *blushes*

OMG. THREE OF THEM ARE HUGE.  EEEEEE  (And she said I could make icons. OMG. SO TOTALLY FILLING UP ALL MY ICONS WITH ADORABLE ALEX.) (I think someone needs to take the Coke Zero away from me.)

ETA: Eoin Macken post here

And a new tweet with a picture of Alex.

And some icons. Pictures by 
convertingcriminals  icons by me.

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/698457.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

eoin macken, alexander vlahos, squee, picspam

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