Monday, Monday

Mar 11, 2013 08:55

Oh god. It's Monday, and to add insult to injury, it's the Monday after Daylight Savings Time. Ugh. DNW. Can we just quit fucking with the time? /whine

I survived the weekend. Must survive today too. Probably no time to write on PL today. Not sure I have the brain space either, to be honest. I seem to be having that breathing problem I had a few years ago. I took a Claritin and am trying to just chill out in the hopes that it will go away. I think it's a stress/allergy thing, so attacking on two fronts should help. Why am I stressed out? I feel like I should be feeling pretty good. Chill out, self!

To do:
clean up in kitchen
laundry (2 loads)
clean bathroom (didn't do it yesterday)
clean up in front for violin lessons
get those [words redacted] pictures up (took me over 2 hours:P)
finish commentfic

Picture of Alex and Hugh Skinner from this tweet.

ETA: Anyone want to talk about the question about who speaks for you when you have no voice? I feel this could be particularly applicable for podficcers, but really, anyone who writes I think might be interested in this question too.  This story on synthentic voices on NPR has got me thinking.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

monday, thinky thoughts, alexander vlahos, stories, to do

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