Out like a light

Mar 10, 2013 08:22

I'm gone all morning. Family obligation and I might look at refrigerators. Home all afternoon, thank god. I have some massive cooking to do.

Apparently it's Mother's Day in the UK?
vlavla tweeted this: A whole lot of #VlaLove to my MummyVla and to all the other Mummy's out there on this, your special day... X It's just crappy old Daylight Savings time here. *rubs eyes*

I'm working on comment!fic for
analise010 which is turning into a D/s sort of vibe thing and I keep editing it. I suck at comment!fic, I guess. LOL Inspiration is the picture I posted yesterday afternoon. Mmmm.

*zooms off*

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/692392.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

life, alexander vlahos, privates, a day, update

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