Damned hormones. I'm so sleepy today. But, I have been to the grocery to buy Coca-Cola (on sale) and pick up some boxed mac and cheese for the kids for the big snowstorm tomorrow. And I got my allergy shots. Wahoo.
Now I'm drinking Coke Zero and trying to wake up.
Here, have some gifs of Alex from Privates. Still to do:
finish cleaning up in kitchen
polish remix
beta fic(s)
work on PL
eat lunch with friend
collect kids
work on quilt(s)
Looks like tomorrow will definitely be a snow day. I am excited for one snow day. I am thinking we'll be on a 2 hour delay for Thursday and I should reschedule my 10am eye appointment:P
vlavla just tweeted
Just got sent a script that is making me tingle with excitement. Can you tell what it is? EEEEEEEE. More Dorian.
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http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/689343.html. Feel free to comment here or there.