Oh, some thinky thoughts

Feb 27, 2013 14:55

lewisian_gneiss asked me to talk about storytelling and quilts.  Yesterday I went to two quilt guild meetings. The first one had a speaker who gave a talk called "If Quilts Could Talk".  I honestly have no idea what the second lecture was called because I busy with a volunteer duty at the beginning of the talk, so I was distracted, but this woman had written a book and then designed a quilt around it, but she's been a quilter for a long time, so it influenced her book too.

I have been pondering recently the idea of telling stories through quilts, but I am not interested in a comic style where it looks like a story. I've been interested in "movement" in quilts for a long long time.  I'm starting to get to the point where I can convey a mood in a little quilt, but I think I'd like to evoke something more.  It's a very vague idea and rather strange to think about because quilting is a non-verbal form of expression for me, although the metaphors around quilting were very healing for me when I was in therapy.  So, that's as far as I've gotten with the story-quilt thing. Many more thoughts will grow in time, I'm sure.

This brings me to storytelling and fandom and preferences. Over the last few days there have been some interesting discussions around. I had the post about OTPs and fleete had her post about kinks and prompts.  I think I have several disjointed thoughts to dash out before I have to run and collect kids.

1. I fell into Merlin fandom because I fell in love with the show, lock stock and barrel. I was obsessed with Merlin for a couple years and that shifted when Mordred showed up in S5. But I love the magic and the dragons and the mythology around the show too.  I'm not in it because I'm a slasher; I'm in it because I saw so many story possibilities that were just irresistible for me.

2. Privates is an interesting fandom for me to fall into because I recently realized that I can tell different kinds of stories with the characters in Privates. It's a different era and, more importantly, the dynamics are completely different.

I'm more interested in relationships and how they play out than I am in specific relationships.  Throw in destiny and themes of identity and I'm hooked.

Oh, also, I was talking  on the PL chat with deminos01 and she was talking about how if you write tropes, your fic will be more popular. I think this is true, but I find tropes to be kind of boring sometimes.  Certainly not all and not all the time, but I like variety.

That's about my brain is capable of at this hour.

Also, several of us are engaged in a writing pact, to write at least four days a week. For me, this means I  need to work on PL  fic at least four times in a week. Other people can use this how they want, but I will post specifically for this pact every evening for people to check in. I guess if artists want to join and use it however they want, that's great!

Also also, teganscrush has got me wanting a PWP   of Merlin with the hat from 1.04. Anyone want to write me one or point me to one that's already been written?   <3

ETA: Can anyone link me to trope bingo? Thanks!

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/685167.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

thinky thoughts, fandom, stories, quilting, meta

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