I do not know what is wrong with me. I woke up at 5:45 and felt pretty awake, finally fell back asleep at 6:30 and then could barely drag myself out of bed by 8:15. Ugh. I feel hungover without the benefit of having had any alcohol. :P
Today is a day running hither thither and yon. I attempted to go the grocery store, but had to come home when I realized I had no wallet. Will attempt grocery store later. I got DD2 to Sunday School and will have to pick up DD1 shortly. DD1 has a violin thing this afternoon, that thankfully I do not have to drive for, and DD2 has extra OM practice (just an hour).
My goals for today are to survive and finish that fucking remix already do some quilting. Here,
have a picture of Alex being excited about VIP tickets to the Man U game. Hope you are all having a lovely day.
Also, anyone want to talk to me about the aphrodisiac/drug kink for kink bingo? I have an idea in mind, but I'm afraid I might be doing it wrong. UGH.
This entry was originally posted at
http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/674830.html. Feel free to comment here or there.