Busy day

Feb 09, 2013 10:37

So, I found yesterday (thank you so much
analise010 for asking!) that the contributions for Awesome Women were due tomorrow.  I, um, yeah. This collection was what got me into podficcing and I really want to contribute, but this means recording at home with a wrecked voice and family members making noises.  I will have to discuss timing of power tools with dh:D

In weightloss news, I am, as of today, down more than 10 pounds. I have entered the next weight range.  It will undoubtedly go up a little again, but god, I really never thought I'd see 13X on the scale again.

The dance last night was so much fun! There were a bunch of people I hadn't seen since last summer and that was great fun. Energy was great, dances were fun. I danced all but the last two.  I had gotten pretty dizzy and needed my head to stop spinning:D

Hope everyone who got snow is just having fun with it and enjoying it and still has power!

I have posted a teeny followup to Rules of the Game at camelot_drabble .  It's called, When the Rules Change. It's a Merlin/Tron alternate universe fusion sort of thing.

Ok, off to try to be productive.  I have a challenge for those of you who think I get a lot done in a day.  Make your own lists. You don't have to post them, but make lists. I think you'll be surprised. I started doing this a few years back when I felt like I wasn't getting anything done. Heh, I still feel like I'm not getting enough done. I didn't manage to sew yesterday, but I was pleased with the writing/editing progress.

To do:
record edit two podfics
grocery store
cook something (?)
family meeting
fold second load of laundry
cleaned up some in kitchen
start more laundry
make icon for

beta fic (just look through and make sure it's all good)

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/674284.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

drabble, sundry stuff, merlin, update, fanfic, life, fandom, elyan, to do

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