Motivation: it's missing

Feb 04, 2013 12:04

Jetlag can bite me. So can PMS. I think I have a cold too. /whine

I was very happy with what I managed to get done yesterday, although I didn't do any writing yesterday.  Today I'm struggling to stay awake.  I, um, cleaned up in the kitchen. Sort of.  I wrote 1.4K of remix and got stuck.  And I've eaten lunch. Go me!

I'm very tempted by this Merlin/Mordred/Arthur nsfw picture prompt on the kmm which I found at lovethatbindsus .  Anyone want to write that for me?  It's not like I don't have a million other things I'm supposed to be writing. :D

I will picture bomb you later. I have a screencap of Mordred from 5.05 that I want to post, but it's on the laptop and well, I'm seriously unmotivated today.  I have to clean up in the front too.

Oh, anyone want to talk Downton Abbey? I've watched up through 3.01 at this point.  Not sure I'll manage to finish it.

millionstar , don't get too mesmerized by the mood icon:)

ETA: Thanks to
moon01234 for all the kudos! You made my day!

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

mordred, life, fandom, merlin, update, prompt

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