I bring you two of my favorite things

Jan 28, 2013 23:58

I survived dinner. Just barely. God. I ate so much food. I hope it doesn't take too long before I feel ready to go to sleep. Mmmmm, another food coma.

I had a lovely afternoon with my friend and then we met up with two other people I know for dinner. Mmmm, fooooood.

In the meantime, things happened on the internet.

Thing the first: fic!
dorkathus wrote me a great powerful little dragonspeak ficlet from the point of view of Kilgharrah. Go. Read it. Give it love. The Call of a Dragonlord.

Thing the second: a Privates screencap of Keenan being flirty and adorable found on this tumblr post here.

alba17 mentioned that she couldn't comment on my dw entry.  Anyone else having that problem?  I need to fix it, if so.  Also, anyone else not getting notifications of gifts from AO3?  I haven't gotten notices since, oh, mid-December.  They claim it's my fault.

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/668161.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

travel, dragonspeak, alexander vlahos, privates, merlin, update, dragons, fic, gifts

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