Ugh, all my Merlin feels and a question about podficcers and Twitter

Jan 17, 2013 20:35

So, I was perusing Tumblr, as one does these days, and I came across this gif which broke my heart anew. God, it's brilliant. Beware, someone dies (aka, spoilers for 5.13).

Um, can someone tell me the proper way to do these gif things?  I keep copying the image locations and pasting. There has to be an easier way to do this.

I don't really have anything else to say.  I'm pretty wiped out.  It's been a good day.  I'm going to go wrestle my fic into submission now, I think.

Twitter question for the few podficcers reading this: Is it bad form if I don't follow podficcers back?  I don't really use Twitter for fannish purposes, although my purpose over there did get rather mushy due to the whole science/art thing not really working there.  Tumblr seems much better suited to that purpose.

ETA: LJ does not seem to care to notify me of comments at the moment. I hope it will resume soon.  In the meantime, I will do my best to keep up with comments that get posted.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

gwaine, merlin, links, feels, tumblr

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