Snowflake Challenge

Jan 08, 2013 12:36

snowflake_challenge  Day 8

Most of you probably have fannish things you'd like to achieve, so to help you with that, today we're asking you to officially set a fannish goal. General or specific, ambitious or modest - whatever suits you. What do you want to accomplish in fandom this year?

Ok, here are the main fannish things I want to accomplish this year:

1. Finish kink bingo (one story (planning a UOaT threesome with Jefferson/Gold/Regina for
chloris )to call bingo and finish a WIP that won't qualify in the end, most likely)
2. make a  podfic of The Shoemaker
3. Do establishedfest (due at the end of Mar, 1K min)
4. Do Remix (if anyone wants a link, I can find it, somewhere, I think remixers_lounge is where we hang out and get info)
5. Do podtogether again
6. Do
remopodmo again
7. Do collabs that I promised to do, starting with millionstar , if she wants:D

Keep talking self out of PL.  Try to be more patient and spend more time crafting stories.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

fandom, snowflake challenge, goals

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