Snowflake Challenge Day 2 and goals for 2013

Jan 02, 2013 22:30

snowflake_challenge Day 2:

In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you did not create. Drop a link to your post in the comments. See if you can rec fanworks that are less likely to be praised: tiny fandoms, rare pairings, fanworks other than stories, lesser known kinks or tropes. Find fanworks that have few to no comments, or creators new to a particular fandom and maybe aren't well known or appreciated. Appreciate them.

chloris does great picspams for OUaT. I think my favorite is the men in leather one she did.

elliemusica  has just started posting Mordred sketches on AO3. YUM!

Under the Right Circumstances by
cecilegrey  (G, almost 2K) Summary: Mordred never wanted to get caught up in Emrys' web of lies, and Emrys wasn't brave enough to stand with Mordred's honesty.

Goals for 2013:

1. Lose weight. I have definitely lost five pounds. I would like to get down to 132 again, but would be happy with 134 or 135 at this point.

2. Sew more. I promised my sister a duvet cover like a year ago. I am going to make that before her birthday in June. Make dh three pairs of pants, at least. Use my serger on these projects.

3. Kill the inner editor: let my individual creative voice come out.

4. Create craft group for exchanging ideas and encouraging others. (I have sent out an email and the first meeting is at my house in two weeks.)

As to last year, I feel I made some good changes that have stuck. I am definitely walking more with the kids to and from school. The mini-quilts have opened a door for me that I feel really good about. I am on the way to figuring out what the path under my feet looks like.

Fannish goals:

Establishedfest, remix (I think), podtogether, remopodmo

Try to squash the impatience to get stuff out and work on quality, more.

And an offer: I am would like to make little quilts for people. I am thinking I will either offer a tree (with or without embellishment, but if I do embellish, choice is mine) or something of my choosing. All I ask is that you pay for shipping. In the US, I think we can do that for less than $5.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

presents, snowflake challenge, goals

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