2012: A retrospective in fandom

Dec 23, 2012 14:39

In 2012 I wrote a lot.  Like almost 85K. Well, that's what I posted on AO3.

I participated in a remix fest, a podtgether fest, and merlin_holidays .  I collaborated.  I wrote series. I wrote cliffhangers.  I wrote a lot of gift fics, which I LOVE to do.  I made a vid and did two podfics. I now have works listed in 8 fandoms.  Oh, and I did kink bingo this year. I just have one square left before I can call bingo.

I think I'm a mod on four comms, maybe it's five? 
bbcmordred is the newest one and we are definitely going to be doing some fests and challenges starting in Jan! establishedfest is going to get rolling in January too.  merlinreference deserves a better mod.  Maybe in the spring I will start posting challenges.  I have a writing comm that is virtually dead. And then there is kilgharraheyrie which is all about dragons:D

I'm going to list my favorite fics that I wrote just for me.  I did not include anything I wrote if I gifted it to someone else, so the list might have been a little longer, had I included any of those. (ETA:  Not all of these are polished. I'm fond of the story they tell, not necessarily the way I do it:))

Third Time's the Charm: (4.25K) This is a modern AU where Merlin is a computer wizard and Arthur is an up and coming general who is clueless about the new computerized war room. It starts with the same dialogue where Arthur and Merlin meet in the show, but quickly diverges. They come together slowly and awkwardly and it's terribly geeky.  I love this story and I'm terrified that if I tried to write more it wouldn't stand up to what is there.

Frog Kissing: (5K) The inspiration for this was actually a little gift fic, and then I got this idea that Merlin got his magic from lightning.  It's a rather cracky 'verse and it was so much fun to play. Another modern AU with several pieces, actually.

Rules of the Game: (900 words) This is an Elyan story with a Tron-like setting.  I loved creating this future 'verse and playing with how people might behave. It is a little strange, not very plotty, but I was trying to follow a science prompt from lewisian_gneiss .

Mordred's Blood: (8.2K) Canon era. I wrote this in about 10 days in a fevered rush. It is not happy. It was gut wrenching to write, but I was possessed. As I wrote, more things about Mordred's character became refined in my mind (and the show has not done anything to lodge any of those ideas, interestlngly enough).  I was curious to see if I could get Mordred to have an influence on Merlin and to be Arthur's downfall in that way, rather than directly.

A Sticky Situation: (2.6K) A crossover with Tangled and Once Upon a Time. It was so ridiculously cracky and fun. I mean, Gwaine as the prince(ss) who needs to be rescued? Merlin as a talking flying horse? It was magic, for me anyway:)

Henbane: (789 words) What is better than clueless Arthur, jealous!Merlin, and Mordred obviously just being helpful? Alex thought Gaius had the best lines, so I gave him a role where he could ask for henbane:)

Confrontation: (1.2K words) Mordred confronts Merlin who then brings him to the dragon. Mostly quite serious with a small smidge of humor. I wanted Mordred to meet the dragon.

A Secret Shared: (755 words, NC17). The scene between Mordred and Merlin in the forest at night in 5.10 cried out for explanation. I was wanting Merlin/Mordred sex in the night because I was thinking Mordred thinks he can find out what Merlin's up to if he delays him long enough and Merlin thinks he can distract Mordred with sex and leave. I mean, didn’t you want an explanation for this too? “A problem shared...I understand.”

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/646393.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

year in review, retrospective

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