
Dec 22, 2012 11:46

To do:

go to farmer's market for apples
pick up buttons
eat lunch
family meeting
laundry (wash and fold)
empty dishwasher and load it
make bed
edit PWP (still)
do mushroom+hedgehog quilt
write Camelot Drabble

Here are some recc'y links and stuff:

rocknvaughn has a great post today. You know, if you are having feels about the last two eps and Colin and Merlin...:D

rodneyscat has a great post of Colin in a_shot_of_colin and people are being very fun today.

Merlin Official posted another snippet of the Bradley and Colin interview. Is Arthur a hunky killing machine? LOL. So cute. Embedding here, behind cut.

image Click to view

issy5209 alerted me to this red tree. Ooooh. So interesting. Even better is the story behind it!

I am having thoughts about science and quilts lately. Check out this amazing picture of  Mercuric Iodide Larger Crystals.  If anyone wants recs of science blogs to follow on Tumblr, just ask.

One last note: if you post reviews/reactions, please, for the love of all us spoilerphobes, post everything behind a cut, even if you think it's not a spoiler.  I can't bear not to check LJ/DW and I actually need to check it so I can watch.  I think:)

Happy Penultimate Merlin Day all!!

<3 <3 <3

ETA: thinky thoughts note: I was contemplating how being excited about Merlin has affected my quilting. One thing that has transferred is learning how to turn off the inner editor and just play. I don't think I'd have had the capacity to make the quilts I'm doing now if it were not for having written all those words and just playing and writing what interested me. I need to do it more, in fact.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

thinky thoughts, interview, videos, science, merlin, links, colin morgan, random, bradley james, to do, recs

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