Ep 5.11 reaction post

Dec 15, 2012 19:58

Oooo, spooky. And sad:(

Ah, Mordred saw something, he wasn’t just acting weird. He saw an adorable girl. Who he just covered for... Ooooh. Now what? GOD Colin and Alex, you guys are good. I’m going to be watching that scene repeatedly. So many feelings. And we aren’t even 3 minutes in.

Mordred, spying? This can’t be good. Stealing potions?

I like the mind-talking with Cara. Ah, potions for healing. Poor Mordred. He’s really torn.

How can Arthur not know who Mordred is? Did he have a mindwipe spell?

BAMF. Merlin is on to Mordred. Mordred is starting to buckle under Merlin’s scrutiny. Oooh, she’s a druid.

Oooh, Mordred said, “she’s one of us.” And Merlin just said, “your secret is safe with me. You have my word.”

“I see a pair of breeches that need cleaning.” Of course you do because you are checking out Arthur’s ass. LOL.

LOL. Deer with big antlers. Crap. Mordred’s footprint.

Damn, it’s got to suck walking around in wet chain mail.

WTH. Merlin just totally used magic and Arthur was awake. Surely he’ll be replaying that.

“This time you’ve gone too far. You’ll pay, Merlin.”
Ooooh, furious!Mordred is so fucking cute. BAMF!Merlin is pretty fucking cute too.

Oooh, I like this angry woman. Love the tension here between Merlin and Mordred while Kara is talking.

Merlin and Mordred both look sooooo torn about Kara being sentenced to death.

Aw, my poor Mordred. :( :( :( O. M. G. Does Mordred have chemistry with everyone?

Oooh, his allegiance to Arthur is slipping, is it?

Is Kara his sister?

Oh, he actually went to speak to the king.

Kneeling abeisance! I LOVE IT.

Did they give Alex fake tears to cry? How can he look so pretty?

Oooh, that bond between knights.. apparently only goes so far. The law is higher.
Merlin points out the trust is being broken.

Oooh. She says he is no different from his father. Mordred thought they were friends. Damn. Is it wrong that I love seeing Mordred so troubled?

Mordred is apologizing. For something he is about to do?
Arthur looks well pleased, but he doesn’t know he has really fucked up. Merlin does.
“Do not stand in my way. I don’t want anyone to get hurt.”
“Tell me you wouldn’t do the same, for the woman you love.”
“I know you did not betray me before, do not do so now.”
Well, fuck, Merlin is really in a pickle.
Ooooh, now she’s killed a soldier, right in front of Mordred...
Oooh, forest scene was tense. I liked it.
Torn between the woman he loves and Arthur. Seems like Arthur has an opportunity.
Oooh, Mordred talked in Merlin’s head. “Why couldn’t you just let things be?”
What if Merlin had not gone after them?
Wow, Merlin is sticking up for Kara.
Damn, why is Arthur being such a hardass now?
“I have no one to blame but myself. -- only one regret.” God, why does no one else ever say that?

Arthur is willing to spare Kara’s life. Oooh, this is big. But damn, she just screwed up.
The series begins with an execution. Is it really going to end with one?
Oooh, that was awful:(
And now NOW NOW NOW? Arthur realizes he’s made a terrible mistake? Yeah.
I don’t get the idea that Mordred likes Morgana now.
Oooooooooh. Mordred just told Morgana that Merlin is Emrys.

I watched the trailer, but... just a lot of fighting, which was pretty much what I expected.

Damn. I really liked this ep.

I thought this was really well done. It makes a LOT of sense, for once. I realized I've given up on getting what I want out of Arthur and Merlin's relationship. Focusing on Mordred and Merlin has been great.

Oooh, I just went and looked at my to do list for today and I've crossed EVERYTHING off. Maybe I should start feeling better about Saturdays:)  I am hoping to finish beta'ing tonight and maybe getting fluffy fic out.

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/642118.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

life, s5, merlin, update, reaction post

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