Brian Cox

Dec 12, 2012 08:44

I keep thinking it's Monday, it's been that kind of a week. Tomorrow will finally slow down for me. I plan to hermit myself in my house and not answer the phone (which oddly, keeps ringing of late.). So, I bring you a short vid from The Royal Institution's Advent Calendar. Brian Cox. Oh yum.


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To do:
Write Merlin/Mordred forest smut
get allergy shots
take DD2 for flu shot
have crafty time with friend
take girls to dance and pick them
up run to grocery store for milk and salad
make black beans

What's on tap for you today? Also, is anyone interested in hearing me blather about what quilt projects I have lined up? Because I kind of want to do that, but if no one wants to hear about it, I can keep that to myself:) Ok, quilty blather: I bought a sweater yesterday to use for the sea fan and it's got two layers.
lewisian_gneiss  and I were talking about favorite vids from the Royal Institution Advent Calendar and she mentioned the one about calcium and some creature that I can't spell or pronounce coccolithophores, but I think I'd love to do a quilt inspired by it. Her video is here. I mean, look at that thing.

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I definitely want to get into making some quilts based on scientific photographs and maybe even some geological images too. I also want to do a squid quilt. And another tree. God, so many ideas. Wheeeee.

ETA: Check out these quilts based on scientific images. I think I've talked about them before.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

geeky, quilting, science, to do, brian cox

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