My day has consisted of being very productive against my own will. :P I have almost gotten two loads of laundry put away, I went shopping with dh to REI (so he could look at backpacks) and to the Evil Grocery Store from Hell (where I almost had a panic attack several times and just wanted to get the hell out of there. *shudder* It's too big, the carts are too big, and there are too many people. I fail at living in suburbia.).
I fixed everyone a different lunch (dh did his own) and did something else. Then I mowed. People, it is December. What is wrong with this picture? After mowing, I punted on cooking actual dinner and pulled stuff together.
So, my plot bunnies seem to have gone missing. Has anyone seen them? I think they've been farming themselves out to other people because I hear people talking about great fic ideas, and I am seeing good fics popping up, but mine are sleeping today. Maybe it's a sign that I should go play with fabric instead. It's kind of a relief not to have a compulsion to tell a story.
So, that's where I've been all day. Now I am really tired and I want to do some tidying in the kitchen and of course, it's way too early to go to bed because the kids won't be in bed for another 2 and a half hours, if I'm lucky.
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