Ep 5.09 notes

Dec 01, 2012 17:57

After rebooting my computer, I finally figured out that I had the volume all the way down on my vlc player. Ugh. So, took me a few minutes to get everything going.

Anyhow, I’m terribly excited, despite a few whisps of spoilers.

Knights, Merlin and Arthur working together. Who is going to help? Mordred?
No, some dude who can’t be trusted. Gee, neither can Mordred.

Oh, it’s her.

Oh, look, he’s got Excalibur. Damn. I LOVE IT. Oooh, Merlin doesn’t like to hear this news.

What the hell did he do that for? Got some anger issues, Merlin?

Eeee, Arthur/Mordred. MMMMMMMMM. *bounce* “If there’s anything I can do. I’m always at your service.”

Oh, so many good lines in this ep.

I love it when Arthur is necessary to be part of the magic.
Oh, god. Look at the dilemma. Now he’s wondering where he can get a sorcerer.
Gaius wants Merlin to appear as a woman? EEEEEE. Love it when the show does this.

Why are they overlooking Mordred?

LOL. Gaius thinks the dress suits him. I LOVE that crossdressing is going to be canon:)

Hee hee. The looks. Hilarious. And the wheelbarrow. LOL.

Love how Gaius and Merlin are working together.
WTH? How did the Dochraid survive? Or did Merlin not kill her?

Oooh, Arthur trusts the funny feelings. Good.

LOL. “She’s my wife, and you’re the servant.”

OH NO! Merlin’s down at the bottom of the cliff, unconscious. Gwen’s knocked out.

Aithusa? *sob* Why?

This looks bad. Thank god. Mordred to the fucking rescue! Arthur’s arm is saved.

Mordred, you are too fucking cute. The fireside chat with the three of them. Squeeeee. 3 is always better than two. LOL.

No telepathy conversation? Mordred knows Merlin doesn’t trust him. And he wants to be friends. <3 <3 <3 I want them to be friends too. Such pretty friends.

Bam. There’s creepy Morgana, up the hill. Why isn’t Mordred carrying anything?

Oooh, Mordred is going to work with Merlin. What is going to happen? *bites naisl*

EEEEEEEEEEE. Dragonspeak. I love you Alice.

Does Mordred understand what happened?

Did Merlin just leave Mordred behind? Fair play?

Oooh, Morgana, what are you going to do to him?

Oooh, Mordred is covering for Merlin. God, I love this scene. I want all the lines.

I want redemption for her. Oooh, fic idea. Mordred heals Morgana. I didn’t write that, did i?

“Sorceress, she likes to be paid in clothes.” Good cover, Merlin.


Twu wuv.

Did Merlin keep his natty boots on and did Mordred just see them? Oh god, where is hte fic of Mordred with Merlin in a dress? (Looks at planejane or alby_mangroves)

Oh, Angel, you are so beautiful.

Wow, this is the hardest struggle for Arthur. He can’t use his physical power. He has to use wits.

Oh god, they are going to sell me on Arthur/Gwen. *sob*

The beautiful dress in that lake. :( Special effects are spiffy though.

Hee. Now I want the soceress to take the young yummy Mordred back.

Hee heee heee. Look, he kept his boots on. And look at Merlin being so bamfy.

Did Mordred suss him out? YES HE DID. Why does Mordred admire him?

Oh man.  I'm hungry!  Time for dinner.  I'll be back to discuss later:)

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/633245.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

ep notes, s5, merlin

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