In which I am all over the place

Nov 29, 2012 12:03

First: a little rage. Anyone else listen to the 5.01 commentary and want to slam their head against a wall?  Good grief. Some segments demand the homoerotic element but they are clinging with every molecule of their bodies to the goddamn secret that is wrecking this show?  /rant

Kink bingo: I have three completed works in three different fandoms. 2 fics and a vid. I'm nearing the middle/end of a podfic in a fourth.  I have a solo kink, a m/f pairing, a f/f pairing, and no one(?) (dragonspeak vid).  I would like to do something different for the last square which is intoxication/aphrodisiac, if memory serves.  I have Merlin fandom, Sherlock, Underworld, and Warehouse 13.  Do you think I could do something with being intoxicated by magic with Once Upon a Time (looks at
chloris :)).

And speaking of the podfic, would anyone be willing to beta it and tell me if it sucks and I should re-record it (again?).  I am not sure further readings would help at this point though. I've got three or four recordings already:)  It's about 15 minutes long, although I want to put in a sound effect in a few places -- yes, just one:))  How do people find betas for podfic?

Ok, I'm going to go eat lunch and see about embellishing a certain octopus:)  How are you all getting along with your crafty get stuff done?  Anyone need a check in?

I know I said I'd write for prompts that I asked for, and I will, but they might not all be finished by the end of December. <3

Oh, and if you want a holiday card with a picture of my kids on it, please post your address on this entry on LJ here. Comments are screened.  If you didn't leave your address there, or pm/email me, I do not have it.  Post it again:D

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

beta, podfic, holiday cheer, s5, help!, merlin, kink bingo

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