Movie review

Nov 20, 2012 15:04

I saw Cloud Atlas with
alba17 . It pretty much took up my whole day and I have about ten minutes before I have to dash again, but .... IT WAS TOTALLY WORTH IT FOR ME.

First of all, Ben Wishaw is fucking adorable.  joan_waterhouse , I know you've been talking about him, but why didn't you explain it to me?  I totally get it now.  ADORABLE.  (Well, not as adorable as Alexander Vlahos, but close.:))

Second: the movie is brilliant. There are so many layers and metaphors layered on metaphors. I wonder how many layers the directors added.

My three favorite lines in the movie:

You must what you cannot not do.
If I had remained invisible, the truth would have remained hidden and I couldn’t allow that. (This was why I wanted to see the movie.)
(He foresees his wealthy father-in-law's response that human nature will never change and that Ewing's life will amount to "no more than one drop in a limitless ocean." Ewing concludes his journal with these final words:) "Yet what is any ocean but a multitude of drops?"

I think I need to own this movie. Guh. So good. The actors played multiple characters and the stories were all amazing and compelling. There was tons of bloodshed and action and tension and yet, I felt, above all it was a love story.  Anyone else want to talk about it?

I'll be back later. Off to pick people up.  I'm running a chauffeur service today:P

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movie, thinky thoughts

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