Various and Sundry

Nov 09, 2012 08:41

I'm still waiting for pictures of Alexander Vlahos to show up from last night.  Damn it.  I am not 14 any more. What is wrong with me?  I found a couple tumblrs for Alexander Vlahos.   fyeahalexandervlahos seems to be the best.  Bradley made me get a Twitter account. I'm not getting a Tumblr for Alex.  I'M NOT GOING THERE.  *cries*  Oh, there is also ermahgerdmerdred which is Mordred/Merlin.

alby_mangroves wrote TW fic that you must read.  Now. Whatever you are doing.  Stop.  Go read it.  Trust me.  Unless you are under 18.  Then skip it.  But the day you turn 18, go read it. Hold Me Closer, Tony Danza.

Ok, before I spend the morning baking and not writing Merlin Holidays, I leave you with two pictures of quilts I finished last week or two weeks ago.  They are nine-patches.  Two quilts for sisters.  Each little square is 1 inch, each block is 3 inches.  I think that makes the small one about 33 inches on a side.

And now I'm going to bake lasagna, brownies, and cookies.  And listen to Alex's dreamy voice again.  Maybe.

ETA: Wait is over! obliqueo tipped me off.  EEEEEEE.  *facepalm* I really am 14.

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pictures, sundry stuff, alexander vlahos, quilting, tumblr, fic, recs, blah de blah

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