More Alex

Nov 08, 2012 13:08

Alexander Vlahos did an interview with Spindle Magazines.  A few pictures in the article too.  <3

vlavla also tweeted something about appearing in a suit tonight at the Virgin Media Shorts awards tonight. Anyone know anything about that?

I got that audio thing he did which is a sort of remix of Dorian Grey.  It's brilliant.  It's called The Confessions of Dorian Grey. It's a little less if you subscribe to the whole thing.

I'm working away on Merlin Holidays.  I'm up to 3.5Kish.  Not sure how much more to finish.  I'm hoping for about another 2k, I think.  Then I need to go back and edit.

I tried to claim I had a slckery day yesterday, but here was my list.

Get kids to school.
Sit in front of computer for four + hours.
Eat lunch.
Run to grocery store.
Put food away.
Clean up kitchen.
Find kids' ballet slippers.
Pick up kids.
Whisk them to dance class.
Take car to tire place.
Ask friend to hang with kids because tire place is slow.
Whisk kids home.
Cook noodles, heat up goulash, dress salad, warm up veggies and eat.
Unload dishwasher.
Put kids in bed.
Lie in warm bed and faff off on computer.

Uh, trying harder today?  I have gotten kids to school, loaded dishwasher and run it, hung out with friend, read to DD2's class (Fantastic Mr Fox), filled up car, dropped off library books (library closed, so I couldn't actually check out books:P), eaten lunch, and done some writing.  Off to record some podfic now.

ETA: anyone else not get notification of kudos last night from AO3? It's not like I get kudos every day, but I know I got one yesterday that I have no idea what it was for, and I kind of rely on the updates to let me know.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

life, pictures, alexander vlahos, interview, done did, update, recs

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