Let the good times roll

Nov 05, 2012 14:17

Ooooh, I just called the violin teacher and asked if we didn't have lessons at 2.  No, we rescheduled for 3:30.  And in our conversation, he was willing to push it back another half hour.  Sooooo, I don't have to sit through lessons today.  *insert wild cheers here*

Maybe I'll go work on that Mordred fic I started last night as I was falling asleep.  Maybe I'll go sew.  Maybe maybe maybe....  maybe I'll run around the house, like a wild animal.  Any other suggestions?  Ack, I should work on Merlin Holidays, but I want to do something wild and free.  Great, Mordred fic it is, unless my kids cock-block me ;P

Just out of curiousity, here is the beginning of my new Mordred fic.  If anyone wants to take this as a prompt and run with it, I'd love to see where you go with it.

“Leave us!”

Arthur whirled, turning his back on Mordred to glare daggers at Merlin.

“Yes, sire,” Merlin said meekly, feeling the tears well in his eyes.

ETA: If anyone wants to beta said fic, mine is "done":D

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/618018.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

mordred, fanfic, writing, squee, merlin, prompt

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