What did you get done today?

Oct 04, 2012 20:52

desireeadaway on Twitter asked "what did you get done today"?

I responded with "I fretted over a mildly sick child, cleaned my kitchen, did laundry, and mowed. Ate yogurt and choc chips for dinner."  I also managed to finish watching Fast Girls since I wrote that.  Now I want to talk about Bradley James and how awful his hair is in the movie, but how it doesn't make him any less sexy and damn, I wanted a thousand more scenes with him, but I loved the ending of the movie.

I had salad with salmon for dessert, lest you all worry about my health.  Oh, the yogurt is plain and home made:)

Oh, I also researched phones (I want a cordless phone I can use with a bluetooth, but I have no idea where to even start with this. I don't want it to talk to my dumb cell phone:)).  And I researched grolsch bottles for my kombucha.  Mmmm.  Can't wait until I can drink it.

I always think about what I didn't get to.  I find this question much more satisfying.

ETA: I wrote almost 700 words of fic too.  Apparently mowing gives me ideas.

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/601837.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

thinky thoughts, done did

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