Oh, busy weekend

Sep 16, 2012 12:32

My kitchen is clean. I don't want to fix any food now because it will just need to be cleaned again:D

Today is the eve of Rosh Hashanah and I am quite busy with family stuff, but I wanted to pop in and say Happy New Year to everyone.  This is a time for me to stop and take measure of my life and to recognize my faults and try to improve.  It is a time to celebrate growth (and in 10 days we will mourn loss and ask for forgiveness).

Not sure how much I will be online today.  To my fellow Jews, Hag Sameach!

To everyone who has answered my post yesterday, thank you! And to those of you who pointed out that we don't always write from our own experience, yes! That's true.  But writing about magic or dragons is something that none of us has experienced!  It is definitely always good to do one's research:D  I will try to get back to everyone later.

ETA: thanks to everyone who sent me a panda.  Each one has given me a great big smile:D <3

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/595633.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

jewish holidays

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