Two random questions

Sep 15, 2012 10:01

Ok, here you go. Two random questions for a Sunday morning ( Read more... )

life, fanfic, curious question, question, random, update

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Comments 69

OHAI Questions! anonymous September 15 2012, 14:27:58 UTC
1 - Definitely spicy/woodsy - I love scents like sandalwood and frankincense, patchouli, etc. Though Lavender is also a favourite.

2 - Yes, I do have anal sex. My partner and I are both bisexual and he likes to receive as well, so I feel pretty confident writing about it.


Re: OHAI Questions! jelazakazone September 15 2012, 14:29:55 UTC
1. Spicy/woodsy for the win! I forgot to say that's what I prefer too:) I love sandalwood and lavender too!

2. Thanks for the data point:D


Re: OHAI Questions! anonymous September 15 2012, 14:30:58 UTC
LOL! Was that a bit TMI?


Re: OHAI Questions! jelazakazone September 15 2012, 14:31:57 UTC
Nope! I have no idea who you are, so it's perfect:D

I need to add something to my entry. I will do that now.


hms_seth September 15 2012, 15:08:35 UTC
1 - Spicy/woodsy for me. Can't say for sure what others like. I know a lot of girls like vanilla, for some reason.

2 - Ahahahaha I've never even had any form of sex I use the power of my imagination for all my writing. My one attempt at writing het sex was basically one throwaway line in my effort to avoid it and I've never written femmeslash in my life.

I will say that once a situation arose where my mother had to edit my (anal sex) porn. She edited it bravely, though confessed to me after that she would never, ever do it and shuddered at the thought of it.


hms_seth September 15 2012, 15:12:00 UTC
Oh man. Kudos to you (I think) for 1) allowing your mother to read your porn, and 2) for being able to look her in the face after she read your anal porn. LOL at her reaction. Did she want to know *why* you were writing it?


hms_seth September 15 2012, 15:39:16 UTC
It was for the Merlin Summer Pornathon, which I'd told her about, so she already knew why. I was struggling with cutting the entry down and she offered to help. I didn't even have to ask. She's used to me ranting about writing porn, really.


jelazakazone September 15 2012, 16:13:32 UTC
Yeah, I don't get that love of vanilla. Or floral.

LOL. I'm about to jump in the deep end here soon. I have to do something to redeem my Mithian/Morgana story. The ladies deserve a good story.

Heh, your mom is a good egg.


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jelazakazone September 15 2012, 16:14:41 UTC
Hunh, interesting. Florals make me sneeze (at best) and give me a headache (at worst). I just bought "men's shampoo" which has a minty/woodsy scent and I love it. It got me thinking about gender preferences for scents.

Thanks for the data point!


princealia September 15 2012, 15:44:16 UTC
I prefer spicy woodsy, but I can indulge in floral if it smells okay. I admit to being a bit tomboyish, though, so I go for the stronger smells in the spice family.

"penis-in-vagina" sex is cracking me up LOL


jelazakazone September 15 2012, 16:15:32 UTC
*raises hand* I like those strong spicy smells too. Florals are tricky for me because they can often trigger headaches.

Um, how would you refer to it? I was trying to think of another way, but you know, that's what came out:D


princealia September 15 2012, 16:18:02 UTC
Tab A into Slot B?

Or is that Slit B?



jelazakazone September 15 2012, 16:21:01 UTC
Hee hee. See, I was thinking of writing that, but really, what I meant was penis-in-vagina sex. I mean, "tab a" could refer to any phallic thing, not just a penis and "slot b" could refer to any vagina like cavity. KWIM? LOL. It is rather silly.


fleete September 15 2012, 17:24:02 UTC
1. Both? I like a lot of scents, actually. I know several men who would, if given a choice, would wear a woodsy/spicy scent over a floral one, due directly to the fact that they think it's less feminine. But I don't know if that means that they actually like it better. The dudes I'm talking about are good 'ol boys ( ... )


jelazakazone September 15 2012, 18:27:34 UTC
1. Excellent! I was wondering if women wore scents they liked or what they thought would attract men. I don't wear any fragrance (dh doesn't like most scents). LOL at the good ol' boys.

2. Oh, right, good point. Using ones own experience isn't always the right way to go, is it? Someone was making that point, sort of, in a ramp up essay on the kink bingo comm.

LOL at "being stabbed with a dull, thick knife, only better and sorta hot". That pretty much describes the first time I had sex.

I wonder if that's why fandom dismisses A/G (not to mention the very little chemistry they have -- I actually think that Bradley and Colin's chemistry is just through the roof and that Bradley and Gwen have ok chemistry). Hm, I'm thinking about het sex and needing kink to appeal to fans.

Do tell. :D


fleete September 15 2012, 19:35:30 UTC
*writes down knife metaphor for future use in fic* Might work somewhere?

Yeah, the fic is basically Gwen gen with a lot of A/G sex, if that's possible. Because it's Gwen post-S4, still hung up on Lancelot, kinda traumatized by Morgana's lust/love spell, trying to adjust to being queen and married to Arthur.

I'm with you on the no chemistry bit. A/G read like they would have very tender, very careful missionary sex. And in my fic, Gwen finds this very unsatisfying but doesn't know what to do about it. And then she accidentally tops him? And she likes it a LOT, but Arthur feels emasculated. So that was where the "edge of kink" to spice up the het comes in.

I wrote it for for a kmm prompt, and it never got finished. WAH.


jelazakazone September 15 2012, 21:07:43 UTC
It could work somewhere, yeah. I have been toying with the idea of writing in first time encounter with an ER couple by using a flashback sort of thing.

What does Gwen gen with a lot of A/G sex mean? Isn't that kind of contradictory?:D

I think I didn't express myself well. If you don't know about the chemistry between Arthur and Merlin, the chemistry between A/G isn't awful. I mean, they do have some chemistry. It's just not the nuclear explosion that A/M have.

LOL. I haven't written any A/G sex. I see Gwen as very much in charge, especially S1 Gwen. I haven't written much of her, actually and what I have written is S1.

Having her on top makes Arthur feel emasculated? 0.o. I think maybe our headcanon diverges here. I mean, I can't even put them together, so clearly our headcanon diverges. I should see what happens if I try to write A/G. LOL. I know if I tried to write that pairing for a KMM, it would most likely never get finished either. My sympathies.


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