Lemons and random stuff

Aug 31, 2012 09:54

Do you all know what "lemon" refers to with regards to fic? 
chicago_ruth  introduced me to this term, but I had never heard it before.  Just curious if you all had heard it.

On the agenda for today: cram the rest of summer into today.  Mini golfing this morning (with no rain this time) and then the water park this afternoon.  I'm punting on the sun dye with the kids for another day.  I also really really really need to clean up the house a bit. It's driving me crazy.

I posted some awesome youtube videos on twitter about this guy in space doing fun stuff.  Here are the links for your pleasure, if you are not following me on twitter.

Yo yo in space
Digeridoo in space
Goo in space (not posted on twitter)

Erm, yeah. That's it for now.   I keep thinking about my KB card and thinking that I should just go for mostly fic to fill the squares. But I really want to do that one video.  And maybe one podfic.  I'll see.  I'd like to get a bingo which means I have to produce five things before the end of October.  Manageable if I only do fic.  Not sure about how it would go with other modalities.  I've made a KB filter and will post to it later to test it out:)

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/590486.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

fandom, curiosity got the cat, science, update, kinkbingo

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