Thinky thoughts about princesses and stories

Jun 21, 2012 18:28

I heard this piece on the radio about princesses and the new movie Brave and it got me to thinking.  I would love to see a story about a princess who isn't fighting an older evil woman, who has a female best friend, and may or may not be a warrior, but she's fighting something and she wins.  Maybe it's time to unpack the original Grimm's Fairy Tales and see how the women won in those stories.  Where are the stories about strong women for our daughters?  Talk to me about princesses (for the record, my girls are at best disinterested in princesses and worst, despise them, although DD1 has been running around with this pink gauzy thing and pretending to be a ninja/karate something or another this week:)).

Also, here's a chewy morsel: The way you treat yourself sets the standards for others -- Sonya Friedman

I'm around tomorrow and then gone for a whole week.  Looks like internet will be somewhat limited while I'm gone (plus, you know, beach:)).  I'm not even going to try to keep up with you all while I'm gone.  We'll just have to hope that nothing exciting happens while I'm away:D  <3

ETA: Make good art.  Check out this illustration of Neil Gaiman's quote from a commencement speech. hat tip to joan_waterhouse !

ETA2: Also, I've had this tab open for ages about the 22 rules for storytelling according to Pixar.

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thinky thoughts, writing, stories

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