Fic rec

Jun 19, 2012 13:08

Aw, neyah444 wrote me a lovely angsty fic about Balinor and Kilgharrah. It's my new headcanon and clearly a deleted scene from 2.12.  Go read Either/Or and give her some love.

In other news, here's my to-do list for the day.
  • wake up
  • shower
  • get dressed
  • feed self and kids
  • make list (all three of us did that this morning)
  • put dishes in dishwasher
  • fold laundry
  • take kids out (one to a friend's house/ other to birthday lunch outing)
  • stop by school to drop off nice soaps for office ladies
  • sew/write/nap
  • cook some food
  • clean cherry trays/dehydrator (which was apparently premature ARGH)
  • call about cell phone service in Caymans
  • figure out bioluminescent tour
  • figure out electrical stuff
  • make iced tea for potluck dinner
  • give DD2 a bath
  • go out
I was really hoping to sew or write, but I seem to be having some sort of hormonal hurricane that is making me a little out of it today:P  I took some Advil and Tylenol earlier and just drank a Coke. I'm hoping the chemicals do the trick.  I want to go out tonight!
This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

fanfic, merlin, to do, recs

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