Established Relationship Fic

Jun 07, 2012 14:23

fleete has a post on ERF.  I'm going to link to it from here so I can make myself go read it and discuss it instead of discussing without reading anything that she's written.  Go read it.  It's interesting.

In other news, I spent an hour responding to emails etc this morning, then I spent a few hours in the kitchen making lasagna, and now I'm going to see if I have any brain cells awake enough to talk about ERF.

resonant had a post about ER stories about four years ago.  You can find that here.

Anyone want to write a fifteen minute drabble with me?  PROMPT: ART.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

drabble, thinky thoughts, challenge, 15 minute drabble, prompt

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