Cockamamie schemes

May 03, 2012 08:53

First I painted my girls' room.  Then I hatched eggs.  What should my next cockamamie scheme be?

I had some thoughts about the chicken hatching and how it might be a metaphor for me. I have a friend who is always saying, "what if you/we are doing everything just right" and I've never been able to believe that until now. I thought I had cooked the eggs in the early days of incubating, but the fact that we got 11 chicks means that I was doing exactly what I needed to be doing, I just didn't know it. What if what I'm doing now is exactly what I need to be doing? 0.o.

If I have time, I will do a post on my favorite fics that I've written.  Otherwise that will have to wait until tomorrow.  Watching chicks hatch on Tuesday really ate up my time.

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thinky thoughts, life

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