MIA so posting a scattering of things

Apr 27, 2012 13:23

dingsi wrote a great confessional piece a while back that
sophinisba recorded. GO READ IT. NOW. It's profound and deeply personal, but I think you will find it touches you even if all of the pieces don't apply to you directly.

I've been working my way through the Remix 2012 pieces. Good stuff.

I got all my errands accomplished (well, almost all -- face threading coming up and then I will pick up dh and then get kids and then take DD1 to the dive shop for mask fitting:)). Wahooo! And I've decided to bite the bullet and just order some bras from Decent Exposures since local stores do not carry what I want.

I want to do a post about my favorite fics, but apparently that will have to wait. No time to work on that now.

I've been knee deep in a quilt, especially the last two days. It's a gift for a preschool teacher (kids went to said preschool, but are no longer there:)). I have been complaining about this quilt since the squares arrived at my house. The squares look good, but they feel like plastic. It's been awful to work with. Do not buy Square 1 Art quilt squares if you want to make an actual quilt out of them (I was not in charge of this project, I offered to help out after I found out about the project). So, here is a picture of the quilt top. I took it to someone today to have it quilted and I'm hoping and praying that it will look ok in the end. I had to take one seam out at least twice and I took some tucks in a few blocks to get it flat(ter). Also, if the picture looks funny, it's because I turned the picture. It was taken sideways, but it has a clear orientation. The one block I'm really pleased with is the middle one:)

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/557763.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

fics, pictures, quilting, shopping, recs, gifts

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