Snippet from a WIP

Apr 05, 2012 21:55

Sorry for no flashfic.  My period finally started and my brain always turns off the first day or so.  I am working on something that is a direct follow on to Massive Thunderstorm.   So, have a snippet:

Arthur started peppering kisses on Merlin, starting at his fingertips and working his way up, slowly. The mark started at the top of the deltoid and then fractured its way down his arm, stretching over the top of his hand to end just below his fingernail.

In other news, I caulked a window frame today.  Nothing big happened in the girls' room.  We all ate food and they went to bed at a good hour, but I just cannot get stuff done while they are home.  Hoping to get more done in their room.  Thank god for dh who is a saint when it comes to this stuff.  I have a hard time wrapping my head around these sorts of projects.  Um, yeah.  That's it for me.  Hope you all sleep (or slept:)) well.

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life, snippet, writing, arthur, fic, merlin

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