Is the day over?

Feb 27, 2012 19:43

*whoosh*  That is the sound my day made as it went by.  Holy busy day Batman.  Yesterday was pretty much just like that too.

I went to the grocery store (and ran into someone I really like who I never see, so that was a bonus!), folded laundry, wrote fic, enabled RL friend to write fic (and she's told me she will sign up on LJ so she can post it properly when it's ready \o/ (hee hee.  Enlarging fandom one person at a time:)), cooked ground meat for burritos and lasagna, picked up girls, made lasagna, attended violin lessons, finished making lasagna, finally had a little free time to goof around on the computer.  Ate dinner, hung out with family.  Now it's time to get DD2 to bed.  I'm exhausted and she wants to play with big sis and dad.

So, look for an expanded version of Under Her Spell soon.  Also, there will be a companion piece to it written by my friend who is getting an LJ account, but hasn't done that yet:)

As you can see, I don't have anything of substance to say.  Tomorrow is a quilt guild meeting.  We'll see how much I get done.

\o/ You can do it!  You are awesome.  (Sorry I didn't get this posted earlier.  The last 36 hours I've been completely engaged in other activities (I did a bunch of cleaning yesterday.  I even cleaned my kitchen floor. 0.o.)).

How was your day?  I imagine as crazy busy as mine since no one seemed to be posting today (usually it seems like it's the opposite; when I'm super busy, everyone else is posting.))

Also, I saw a new icon that I'm lusting after. Lusting I tell you. You'll know if I acquire it because it so deserves a gip.

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