A taste of my own medicine

Feb 12, 2012 14:51

I was encouraged to try podficcing.  I wrote two short pieces for halfamoon and
sophinisba asked me to consider recording them for the Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology II (I will link to it when it's done).  Anyhow, I put Igraine Begs and Vivian Finds Love in the collection. (Those are links to the recordings.  Here are the AO3 links: Igraine Begs and Vivian Finds Love)  If you listen to them, please be kind.  It's my first attempt and I was rather hurried.  I feel embarrassed to admit that I didn't even edit them; I didn't have the time.  Hopefully next time will be better and I won't sound like I'm reading in a cave or with marbles in my mouth.  Do I really sound like that? Um, did I just say "next time?"  Yikes.  We'll see if there is a next time.
This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/525076.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

fanfic, podfic, growth

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