First of all, I am not sure I got all comment notifications, so if you think I'm ignoring you, I'm not. It's LJ:P At this point, I don't even know what comments I posted that I think I'm waiting for comments on, so amnesty on any comments you think you owe me:)
I almost never rec art posts because I rarely look at art, but
you must see this gorgeous piece that
catsinthecoffee did for the
merlinreversebb and
scatterglory wrote the story for.
I found this article about
geeks and sex last week and thought it was interesting. It made me feel a lot better about my vanilla sensibilities.
Went dancing last night. The caller was awful, but there were some really cute boys there and I felt so old and pervy but I really didn't care. I had a fun time dancing with cute boys and went home with my darling husband:) Also, it doesn't make me pervy if the thoughts stay in my head, right? (Funny story about one of them. DH asked me later if the guy was gay and I said I had no idea, because I feel like I can't tell any more, but he totally pinged my gaydar and he was adorable.) Oh, also, when I was in Denver I saw two young men holding hands and I got all excited because I never see young gay people here. It's so straight here. Repressively so.
I have a billion things to do this weekend, recording two podfics amongst them. *bites fingernails* I am so appreciating all the encouragement and hand holding I'm getting.
Here is my modest to do list for the weekend:
- cook Italian sausages, chard, green beans, brussel sprouts
- fold laundry
- sew down pieces of dragon quilt (and finish cutting out a couple pieces)
- go to mall for orders that are ready to be picked up
- go to Italian potluck
- sort pictures with dh
- podfic!
- write intimacy story (1 part of 3)
gealach_ros is
following the IFTA award ceremony tonight that Colin is attending. Swoon. Hoping for more pictures of him in a suit:)
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