Busy, but in a different kind of way

Jan 29, 2012 21:58

I feel so out of synch with you all! I am jet lagged and wasn't able to get on yesterday, really and am only now, at 10pm Mountain Time getting on LJ for really the first time all day. The kids woke up before 6, although I didn't wake up much before 6 and I was very grateful for that. We ate breakfast, hung out, I took a walk to the dollar store, hung out some more and then we went out for brunch/lunch. Waited forever for food to be served. Came back to the house and got them all packed in the car and they were off. 20 minutes later, my friend arrived and we went down to the grocery store for snacks and then hung out and talked about my quilts. We went off to see Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (which confused the heck out of both of us so if anyone wants to talk about it, feel free!) and then we went someplace for dinner (where I ate half my dinner because I ate so much food already). It was lovely to see my friend and we had some nice heart to heart moments.

I should have a lot more time in the next two days. Hoping to write another intimacy piece this week (in the next two days). I am hoping to work on the dragon quilt too:) Exciting times.

I hope I haven't missed anything big. I've been trying to scan the flist. I'm looking forward to a couple days with no obligations before I head up to the mountains for more intense social times with family.

Hope everyone is doing well. ♥

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/519690.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

movie, life, busy, mia

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