I should be packing. I have started laundry and bread. Casting around for motivation, I decided I needed to write a drabble. This may or may not be semi-autobiographical:) (Apparently I should get myself a Gwaine icon, especially if I'm going to keep writing about him.)
Gwaine shifted on the bed, restless, mussing the covers underneath him. He wanted to be out, riding a horse or on the training field. Rain drummed on the roof and he knew the fields were sodden. His skin itched. The lack of light pressed down on him, making his eyelids droopy. Knowing that he should be getting ready for his trip only made his agitation grow. The list of tasks was not shrinking, although he had started some things on the list, others still waited. Gwaine was desperate for valid distraction. A knock on the door preceded Merlin’s happy arrival.
This entry was originally posted at
http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/519108.html. Feel free to comment here or there.