I had a realization yesterday that I've been kind of, um, spammy. And spazzy, too, perhaps. I'm going to try to channel my excitement elsewhere for a while. As most of you know, I like to talk. A lot.
I have had a fairly calm day and while I spent too much time on the phone this morning, I had a lovely afternoon with a friend. We ate cookies and watched 1.04. She read some of my fic. We ate more cookies. Mmmm. Fun!
It's time to go pull dinner together. I am hoping to get my little strips sewn into squares so that I can have three finished sets.
How has your day been?
ETA: Someone else wrote another
drabble related to the Aithusa hatching ones
dorkathus ,
kleinefee92 , and I did. Go read it. It's just lovely!
This entry was originally posted at
http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/510668.html. Feel free to comment here or there.