Aithusa drabble

Jan 09, 2012 11:57

dorkathus wrote a wonderful drabble and a half and I wanted to respond to it, so I wrote this.  Cut for spoilers for 4.04.  (Has anyone reading this not seen 4.04?)  Consider this my contribution for snowflake challenge day 9.

Merlin asked, "How do I summon it?"

“You must give the dragon a name.”

Merlin considered, closed his eyes, breathed deeply, and reached down inside himself for that familiar coil of power.  The spiral worked its way up and he breathed out “Aithusa”.   Merlin’s eye’s startled open when the blue egg cracked and a white dragon appeared.  Merlin could barely comprehend Kilgharrah’s words; his heart felt so light and laughter spilled from his lips at the same time that tears spilled from his eyes.  A baby dragon was born; the light of the sun and sigil of a united Albion.
ETA: anyone know of any easy way to put drabbles in a group on AO3? I'd like to put them in a collection, but it looks like collections are something different than what I think a collection is. Off to collect girls:) This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

drabble, fanfic, dragonspeak, writing, fic, dragon, snowflake challenge

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