
Jan 06, 2012 10:36

Drop what you are doing and go read the 150ish words that nympha_alba wrote at my bequest.  I asked people to go forth and write dragonspeak!kink and she did so brilliantly!  :D

Also, I wanted to ask people about leaving comments.  I am wrangling this issue in my own mind.  Before I started writing, I think I was pretty haphazard about leaving comments.  Now that I'm writing, I realize how nice it is to get feedback, even if it's just "I read this and liked it".  I don't need specific feedback to make me happy.  I am wondering what provokes you to leave a comment or not on someone's work.  If I read something and finish it (and didn't just skim it), I leave feedback.  It has gotten easier, the more I've done it.  I try to pick at least one thing that I really liked and comment on that.  So, talk to me about comments/feedback.  Does it depend on who has written the piece?  If you are connected to the person? If it seems like the person gets lots of comments or few comments, does that impact your decision?

Today's snowflake challenge is to list 3 fanworks you didn't think you'd like but ended up liking.  Two leap to mind.  If a third one appears, I will list them and count it off for today's challenge. (Official challenge in bold.)

In your own space, rec at least 3 fanworks you thought you wouldn't like (because they weren't your fandom or they pushed against your boundaries or you thought you just wouldn't be interested) and that you ended up loving.

ETA: snowflake challenge recs.  I've got three.

lolafeist has these awesome intense vignettes called In the Dust and Shadows that has non-con/rape scenes, but somehow in her hands, it's ok.  Probably not for everyone.

lewisian_gneiss wrote some kink_bingo drabbles that blew my socks off.  Then she made them into minifics.

Most of you probably read the merlin holidays fic with Morgana. There were warnings about war in Afghanistan and ptsd and I thought I would not be able to read it, but it was powerful and amazing and not too triggery.
This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

dragonspeak, merlin, snowflake challenge, feedback, rec, comments

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