Another busy day

Dec 14, 2011 21:54

  • Walked kids to school and then home
  • beta'd a story
  • dealt with laundry
  • went to grocery store
  • cleaned up kitchen
  • ate lunch
  • folded laundry
  • posted ficlet
  • walked to school to listen to strings concert (wrote ficlet while waiting for concert to start and while band was playing (DD1 is in strings))
  • hung out on playground for a bit after school
  • walked kids home
  • fed kids dinner, fried frozen artichoke hearts and made salad
  • ate dinner
  • hung out with DD2 and attempted to get her to sleep before DD1 and dh returned
  • failed
  • finally sprayed lavender antibacterial spray in her bed to get the monster to go away and she was asleep in like one minute
  • felt victorious for two seconds (realized that DD1 still had to get to bed.  It's now 10pm and she's still awake.  *sob*)
  • am attempting to figure out the fucking holiday card and hating it
  • having a comment party with princealia instead of working on the card because I'd rather have someone shove bamboo under my nails than do this card

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

a day

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