Merlin 4.11

Dec 10, 2011 20:57

I watched it alone, (friend turned out to be labor!:D) well, with my family in the house, kids running in and interrupting me, and while folding laundry.  All that said, I was very  happy throughout the ep until it was over and I read some reviews.  Now I'm going to have to watch it again.

Spoilers under the cut:

I didn't like the opening sequence.  The implied sexual violence left me completely cold.  In my head, she was never forced to have sex with those men.  Helios rescued her from that fate.  He was going to force her later, sure, but he never had a chance to.

I loved Mithian.  I thougth she was great.  I was so happy she wasn't enchanted and Arthur wasn't enchanted and yet Arthur was enchanted with her for a while.

I loved the deer scene in the woods.  I thought that was amazing.  I loved the ring scene in the woods and how the two men communicated silently and you could see that Mithian knew something was up but she couldn't figure it out.

Some people complained that the M/A vibe was off.  I think it was supposed to be.

And once again, I want Aggravaine to die.  Urk.  I hope they get rid of him.  I don't want to see him in another season.

Also, I thought Katie did a good job acting completely crazy in this ep.  I have missed crazy!Uther and I could see that coming through for Katie in this ep.

Overall I thought the ep was fine, but it felt more filler-y to me than it seems like it should have.  They were trying to accomplish a lot and I think they overshot.

No thoughts for next week since I don't watch the trailers:D

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ep notes, merlin, s4

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