Mellow day

Nov 21, 2011 18:59

After the weekend, I didn't even try to get much done.  I did a little sewing, a little playing with quilt squares (not done arranging them to my satisfaction yet), and then it was time to get DD1 from school (DD2 went home with a friend).  DD1 and I folded laundry and watched 4.04.  (She missed the first little bit though, which was just as well.)  She commented when the knights were eating around the campfire that "they were being hard on Merlin".  Awwww.  But apparently she was mollified that they had saved a plate of stew for him.  She loves the ending when Aithusa hatches too.  We played with quilt squares too.  I picked up milk and then picked up DD2.  Cooked noodles for the girls and put a salad together and ate dinner.  I'm about to fill out the registration for a dance camp thing we go to at the end of December.

Also, funny note of the day.  minuialeth75 typed Aggravaine in a comment instead of Agravaine and I told her I thought her spelling was brilliant.  She claimed it was a mistake, but I think her fingers were inspired.  I'm going to start spelling it that way on purpose!

ETA: Question about writing.  When you feel like everything you are writing is shit, do you just give up and go find a new hobby or start a new story or work on smaller pieces?  Looking for process advice here.

life, dd1, question, writing, merlin, a day

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