4.03 raw notes

Oct 15, 2011 21:58

I was too busy laughing, being absorbed, or chewing my fingernails to pay close attention to my notes this week. Make of them what you will. Eeee:D Can't wait a whole week for the next ep.


Cranky Arthur and happy, snappy Merlin: so cute!!! (And yet I’m still smarter than you: I heard that!).

Uh oh. Uther wants to go to the party.

But wait, didn’t we hear that music in Ep 2.10

Uh, what? poor Arthur! And Uther is entertained?

Could not breath while the third knife was thrown. Yikes! It wasn’t the knife, but the apple.

How is Arthur such a awesome warrior and so dumb in his own castle? I think the sedative did something to his judgement.

Crap. He’s going to bite it now. But Uther will save him. Knew it!!!

Wow. Uther actually killed that guy and ack! Uther is wounded and Arthur is incapacitated/dumb from the drugs. Will Uther really die now? Eeek, even Gaius says it’s only a matter of time... Will Merlin reveal his magic?

Oden again? :( Merlin looks so sad (and he’s got the purple shirt on again:)).

Still wondering about the motivations of Agravaine.

Morgana getting better with being evil and not smirking all the time, but still a little overdone with the smirking.

Tender moment between Gwen and Arthur over Uther. Why is Arthur so caught up in Uther living?

Merlin councils that there is nothing that can be done. Arthur disagrees … with magic. Merlin looks hopeful!!!!

Gaius says don’t do it. But Merlin is so convincing and freaking cute while he’s doing. And Arthur chooses to use magic to save Uther’s life.

“I think a lot of sorcerers are in the charcoal business.”
“Scream like a big girl if there is any trouble” (said with fondness rather than ugliness)

I have to pee, go inside and make yourself at home. LOL!!! Freaking hilarious. I have to pee.

He’s wearing Merlin’s boots!! Why doesn’t Arthur notice that?

Big price Dragoon is asking. Can Arthur pay it? EEEEEEE. He’s giving his promise that when he is king, he will let them be free.

How does he make his voice so different?

“There is very definitely something wrong with you.” LOL

Too busy laughing and chewing on fingernails to write down every reaction.

Aggie, you are sooooooo creepy.

Scene with Gaius and Arthur in Gaius’ quarters is hilarious.

Dragoon trying to keep Arthur to his word.

Now he’s giving Dragoon a piggy back. Hilarious!

Why is everyone taller than Arthur.

Ok music is playing and yet we’ve been set up to believe this is going to go wrong. Merlin does the spell, but Uther doesn’t look worse. What will happen? Ugh!!!! It worked and then it didn’t. Ack. Is he dead? No no no. He sure looks dead. Crap. They killed him in the 3rd ep? And it was because of magic that his death was hastened. How will Merlin recover from this?

Merln doesn’t understand why it went wrong. But Gaius figured it out. Love Merlin’s face when he figures out it’s Morgana.

Morgana looks happy for the first time in a long time. Still wondering about Aggie’s motivations.

Arthur blames himself. Goes to mourn. Merlin blames himself. Too busy chewing on fingernails.

Oh Merlin, so heartbroken:(

Wait? That’s the end? No way.!!!!

commentary, merlin, 4.03, s4

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