I made my tea with cold water

Oct 10, 2011 08:27

I started the day with tea made with cold water.  *facepalm*  How am I going to get through the rest of the day?  You all need to send me strengthening vibes.  Or awake vibes.  Or something.

Kids will be arriving here in a bit over an hour.  My house is a disaster and needs to be cleaned so violin lessons can happen in a clean space.  My parents are arriving some time this morning, most likely.  They are an hour and a half from here.  Maybe I should drink a Coke now.

Plans for the day include playing with fabric and thread and shopping and going out for pizza later.

In other news, I think I have a new scientist crush.  Go check out this interview with Adam Riess.  I promise it will make you laugh and if you only have five minutes, the first five are the best, but the quiz is pretty funny too.  I love the idea that what we see is only 3% of the whole deal.  It makes me feel like soaring, not like curling up in a little ball (like Peter Sagal).

Check out my previous entry for the awesome gif princealia made of Merlin running through the forest roaring for the dragon.  I think they wrote that scene just for me.

*headdesk* I think I just fell asleep.

life, gif, 4.02, merlin, a day, sleepy mommy, funnies

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