Whew. What a day.

Sep 28, 2011 20:34

After yesterday, I swore I would not go anywhere while the girls were in school and for the most part, I didn't.  I drove them to school this morning due to imminent heavy rains and wanting to maximize my time.  I ran to the grocery store for salad etc and was home by 8:30.  Still too sleepy to write, I emptied the dishwasher and folded a load of laundry and watched Glee.  Around 10:30 I sat down to work on my fic.  I worked pretty steadily until 1:30 or so when I started to fry.  Good time for a break.  I faffed around for a bit.  Got a great comment stream from princealia and universaldogma featuring wonderful gifs of Colin Morgan.  Mmmmm.  Ran off to collect girls.  Got home and worked with my beta for a long time.  Eeee.  Too much fun!  Forced myself off the computer to get people fed, took DD1 to a book club meeting and then dropped off wine glasses at a my friend's house and returned a library book.  Came home and loaded the dishwasher and then helped dh paint more cement stuff in the basement in his workshop.  I've just put DD2 in bed and am hoping to work on Weeds a little more before I go to sleep.

If you like Colin Morgan at all, go check out the previous entry.  It is great.  Tomorrow I will mostly not be home, but I'm proud of myself for taking it easy today.  I think I'm getting the hang of pacing myself.

Oh, and lewisian_gneiss and I were having a conversation about good steampunk novels, especially for young readers.  Any recs out there?  The only ones I really know are the Scott Westerfeld ones and Kenneth Oppel's books.

And Shana Tova everyone:D

recommendations, a day, colin morgan, reading, fic writing, books

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